4Jan2013 - Another history.

I did it. Again. Yeah, I've ruined our group presentation. Ohhh God, forgive me :'(

Today, in da evening around 2 until 4 pm, Melissa, Abu, Wani, Afiqah and I have to perform for our Hubungan Etnik subject based on what the lecture had been told us to, that is "Bincangkan perkembangan dan perjuangan bla bla bla". This presentation provide around 20% for the carry marks. And what the sad part is, I've ruin it T__________________T

When it comes to my part, at first I did it well, and suddenly sudden-asthma-attack comes. I admit it, I'm too too too too too too nervous. I have try to explain about the task, I pretended like the sudden-asthma-attack didn't affect me but then I failed to control the situation. I cant stand it, I suddenly sit down, leave the microphone, and asked for my inhaler from Afiqah where I put it in my beg. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. Damit! Just imagine the situation in that time?

After one pump, I stand up again and continue the topic like nothing happen. Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh. I've destroyed it. I'm such a disappointment, if not to my group member, to myself then. Feel so sad for this. It bothering me. Wonder if it will affect our marks.

One simple word, sorry. I mean it, I really mean it.